Assembly Line of Broken Hearts JC Farris

FemmeFilmFest7 Review: Assembly Line of Broken Hearts (JC Farris)

Assembly Line of Broken Hearts is a film helmed by JC Farris who teamed up with Director of Photography David A. Holcombe to shoot this artistically visual film. The short, of which, begins with some gorgeous shots of eyes. Different colored irises from a plethora of people, shown under the dazzle of projections which have been cast upon the subjects. The projections ripple and shape around the individuals features and soon we are shown not just eyes but full faces of many different people, a fireworks of light splashed across stoic expressions, hands, and intense eye contact.

This is when the cinematography and directing choices really shine, as they are highlighted in these simply stunning shots that need no dialogue to express emotion or meaning. It’s relatively easy, if not slightly uncanny how quickly it is to connect to these individuals on screen as they stare directly into the camera, as if to challenge the viewer. This imagery is accompanied by otherworldly music as well that is near transfixing.

Soon, though, the music takes an eerie turn, as does the visuals being shown. No longer are there beautiful closeups of multi-colored irises and fingertips, but instead there is a sense of unease. The subjects on screen become panicked and uncomfortable, grasping at their throats, clutching at their chest. Some are surrounded by a horde of hands caressing their face, stroking then pulling on their hair as they look ahead in horror. They cover their ears, their eyes, try to unsee, un-feel, but are unable to. The projections turn malicious, following the tone of the music as sparkling particles are no longer shown on the people, but instead fire and hot embers. Then, we finish as we one began- with a single eye, looking ahead.

The film can be interpreted in many ways, and it is not any singular person’s place to give it one definition. Assembly Line of Broken Hearts showcases the beauty as well as the deep pain and sorrow that humans experience, all tied into one chaos-inducing montage that is sure to swell the viewer to the brim with emotion.